Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mad photos of Noah

One good thing about this photo is that it shows the colour of Noah's eyes, chocolate brown just like his Dad's, and also his 2 teeth!

Play time in my cot.

Noah wakes up happy from sleep times and loves to play with his toys in the cot. He thinks it's great if I take photos of him too!

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Happy birthday Pop ... I took these photos of Noah in January, but unfortunately he really wanted to play with the paper sign instead! It did read "Happy Birthday Pop 2008" ....hope you have a lovely day.



Thursday, February 7, 2008

More bath photos

Noah has graduated to sitting up ...look at those sausage arms!

Noah's first 2 teeth

Is very hard trying to get a photo of these first 2!

Noah spending time with his Dad on the computer...he even knows how to move the mouse!

Noah is 8 months old now and growing fast ...he sure is getting heavy! Another one of his favourite toys is a wooden spoon.